First released in December 1982 by Autodesk Inc., AutoCAD is one of the leading industry solutions for complex CAD projects. Available in a number of specific versions for Windows and – since version 2011 – for Mac. OS X.
http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?siteID=123112&id=13779270 -
CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the Dassault Systemes and marketed by IBM. The latest releases are CATIA V5 and CATIA V6.
http://www.3ds.com/products/catia -
NX is a CAD/CAM/CAE PLM software suite developed by Siemens PLM Software. NX is a parametric solid/surface feature-based modeler and is based on Parasolid geometric modeling kernel.
http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us/products/nx/ -
Developed by PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation), Pro/ENGINEER is a software targeted to 3D product design that offers an integrated, parametric, 3D CAD/CAM/CAE solution.
http://www.ptc.com/products/proengineer/ -
Solid Edge
Published by Siemens PLM Software, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology is a history-free, feature-based 2D/3D CAD software system. It offers part and assembly modeling, drafting, data management and built-in finite element analysis (FEA).
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